My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Forrest Gump

Today is the 20th of August.

Omg, does time fly or what?

I know I haven't been blogging, I've just been too busy and tired these days to even use my laptop.

It was my off day yesterday, and using my laptop for the whole day while I rested at home was just awesome. I appreciate such alone time so much...

Life... is pretty much great right now.

Currently in the midst of progression into my new career. Because I'm in the management trainee track, it is a fast track and I have lots to learn and hopefully, I'll grow into someone respectable in my work and work ethnics.

Is this career path what I want? I have no idea as well. I'll just do my best in the few years that I am bonded to my current company and appreciate all the lessons and opportunities I get exposed to, and make the most out of being true to myself and everyone else I meet through life.


Love life wise, I am currently dating someone named Alex. He's 4 years older than me, and really sweet to me. I'll blog more about him soon, I met him through my good friend Jenxel.

Just watched the movie 'Forrest Gump' which I have been wanting to watch for quite some time but haven't had the time to do so.

NO REGRETS watching the movie!

It's such a beautiful story, so much about life and it gives me so much to think about.

Maybe it's just me, cos I'm someone who thinks alot about life, our purpose in life and I truly believe in spreading love in life...

Some people probably can't stand me cos I'm always trying my best to spread love and be kind and nice.. Well whatever...


just to share some thoughts and reminders I felt deeply about, from the movie..

Hopefully these quotes brighten your day and life too.

Forrest Gump was born with an IQ lower than the usual and was supposed to be sent to a special school. His mom always said, "Forrest, you're no different from anyone else."

Never doubt yourself, and your own ability.

People will always try to put you down. Pay no heed to what others say or how they judge you.

"You have to do the best with what God gave you."

Be your best.

"I’m not a smart man… but I know what love is."

Define love, seek love, make love, be loving, be beloved, start with love, end with love, do it with love, stay true to your love. Know love. Find inside yourself what you love. Then Cherish it for all you are worth.  Because do you know what? It is all that you’re worth.

Do check out this webpage for more quotes and life lessons from the movie:

"I don't know if we each have a destiny, or if we're all just floating around accidental-like on a breeze, but I, I think maybe it's both. Maybe both is happening at the same time."

This is really deep. I don't know what others feel about life, but like Forrest, I believe life is a combination of both destiny and chance. The above quote resounds so much with how I feel about life...

Life is amazing isn't it.


Not in the sense that because you only live once, do dumb stuff. More of like cherish the people around you, make the most of the situation and settings you are living in.

Cherish the moment. Grab the chance. Don't look back, don't regret. Just love.

Also wanted to add that after some time has passed, I feel so much better.

Life always has tragedies and dramas and shit happens. Time lets you get over it. I am one example of that.

Nobody knows why life gives you such battles to fight in.Why everyone has different experiences and demons.

Whatever it is,

stay strong, keep your head high, know that things will always get better.

That's what I believe in.

Till I blog again...

Love, Chloe 

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