My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Good Girl


Have you ever been referred to as 'the good girl'?(or the nice guy, if gender matters)

Well I have. Especially recently.

There was a period of time when people told me I looked like I clubbed alot.

These days, I am just frequently told that I look like a good girl. A well-behaved girl.

Not a bad thing, but WHY?

Incident One:

I walked into the office one day and everyone was like,

"Hey a new teacher came to the office today. She really looks like you!"

"Like your twin sister."

"We thought she was you and we almost called out to her."

Ok, in my 24 years of life on Earth, I have had several people tell me about seeing my 'twin' around. Someone who looks like me. It's not a surprise, I mean, there are so many humans around, especially with the new 6.9 million target for Singapore.

Maybe I have a common face, I don't know.

Well I decided to sneak a peek at my twin. Since she was in my vicinity.





I'm not being mean or what, but the aforementioned 'twin sister' of mine is completely different from myself.

She looks very decent, very mousy, very well behaved, very conservatively dressed and very much like a teacher/ librarian.

In short, she's just not my type nor does she possess my style. (the way she carries herself and dresses up)

So I told my colleagues, "Are you sure she looks like me, because she looks really decent. Really guai (well-behaved in Mandarin)"

And all of my colleagues told me the resemblance is UNCANNY. Even the colleague I am not close to.

Another colleague rebutted, "You have never been havoc what.You always so guai" (In true blue Singaporean fashion.)


FIRST OF ALL, I am not exactly havoc, but I am not UN-havoc as well.

And I am not UN-guai, but I am definitely not guai.

Anyway, I must tell you guys about another related incident which happened a few days ago.

Incident 2:


*takes out my iphone to check for updates*

*receives a Whatsapp message from a guy friend*

Guy A: "Hey, guess what, Joe (this is not the guy's real name) was hanging out with me and he suddenly talked about you."

Me: "Uhh ok, I don't talk to him much, what is this about?"

Guy A: "He told me everyone around him is getting married and getting BTOs (built to order flats, a hot housing trend for young adults living in Singapore) and having babies, and if he doesn't meet some girl soon, he may probably chase you."

Me: "WTH"


What the hell is this?

HAHAHAHA. Isn't it ridiculous?

Do I really look like such a good girl, such that people actually relate me to looking like a twin of teacher-ish looking people and worst, want to woo and chase me because everyone else is settling down? Just because I look like a 'good girl'?

Such an exaggeration. Lol.

Oh well, not that it matters much. I mean looking like a good girl is not a bad thing either cos then people assume you are like an angel when you ain't exactly one. :/

But honestly, I just want to declare.

I'm not the cookie cutter 'good girl'. That is a stereotype. I have my wild side (DUH) and while I'm quite nice, there are certainly shades of grey to me. I sure have sides to me I ain't exactly proud of, but I'm not about to publish them here haha.

I prefer being myself, someone with more personality, more individuality and is special, my own personal touch. Well, being more like me, generally.

Yes, love me for me.

I'm not some random girl or door mat who is there just for settling down with. Just saying.

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