My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Saturday, January 12, 2013


Oops... Starting to become an 'adult'. Meaning that I don't really have the time or energy to upload this space frequently anymore.

Pardon the cobwebs *grins*

Been going out quite abit, I recently watched Les Miserables and The Hobbit. I find both movies quite pleasing. Les Miserables is a reminder to be kind towards others. I cried buckets during that show.

Dear Anne, can I just say you're fabulous? Talented and beautiful.

I learnt how to download lots of media on my computer too; my friend showed me how a few months back. And I'm never looking back cos there are just so many things to watch/ read/ listen to! I don't think I can survive without a computer and Wifi. I guess you can find me in front of my computer a lot these days, laughing to myself because of witty sitcoms and movies.

I'll also be flying to Bandung this Thursday for a short getaway and my friend's wedding. Can't wait! Not that excited yet, but I'm sure I'll be the night before the trip.

Just some random pictures to show that I'm still alive...

Recently 3 of my friends told me they hope to die by 50... And they mean it... Reason being that they don't feel there's a point to live so long and have to keep working just to stay alive, especially when illnesses will hit humans at old age. I was like how morbid?! But thinking about it, maybe it's true too. I don't know. I'm not sure what I feel.

Say hi to my cat!

* l o v e s t r u c k * (not really, at least not by any human thus far)

when i really laughed

Be in love with your life (this one's a little tough)

I learnt the importance of  work smart, not just work hard.

In love with that dog and that blazer! (buying one soon)

My legs, I've been running (muscular, lol kinda sad)

Uncontrolled x Namie Amuro

P.S I've been quite sickly. Can't believe I'm only 23 and bogged with health issues already. Granted they are not too serious but as someone who runs and exercise a fair bit and makes it a point to walk home everyday, this is so annoying! Need to go to the polyclinic soon, I can't bring myself to go there cos of the wait. Grrr urffgghh.

Lastly, ending off with a big fat me. Thanks for reading!

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