My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Fremantle - Perth

Ok I ought to be sleeping. But I can't fall asleep. I wonder how many % of the world's population is made up of night owls/ nocturnal vampires like myself.

Blogging my first post of Aussie. I went there during Winter in July this year (2012). When I reached Aussie, my friend told me she thought I was kidding about travelling there. Hahaha cos I made it happen within 3 months of first telling her I want to go there to visit her.

I'm spontaneous/ impulsive at times.

Travelling really makes you feel the pinch in your wallet, especially when you're using your own hard earned money. Especially travelling to an expensive place like Aussie. But it also feels darn good (: No regrets at all.  Here's me standing with my wad of AUD- 1k of AUD. *ouch* and *yay*

I aimed to spend within that 1k for all 10 days in Australia and managed to keep within that budget. Hooray

Air ticket. I took Qantas over to Perth.

Had ramen with my family before flying. I got my mom to treat me to a bon voyage meal, bwahaha.

Mummy and a pretty background.

I think we ate at this new place called Ramen Champion. Forgot the restaurant's name. Pretty good ramen.

Bro and me.

And you know who I met at the restaurant? My ex's ex-girlfriend. The world is so small what the hell. Sometimes it's really -_-. I did say hi graciously of course, she's a nice person.

It's just that, for me, I sometimes prefer not to see anything or anyone which reminds me of anything I don't want to think about. And fate/ coincidence has a great sense of humor. In my life at least.

The restaurant's order beeper.

Me at the departure gate.

I took a family picture but it turned out ugly cos 1) we got a really nice and old uncle to help us take the picture but his camera skills are really bad and 2) while posing for the picture this family of tall indian guys kept walking into the area between us and the camera. As a group at first, and then individually. It was ridiculously funny because they were oblivious about it and I laughed till I cried. HAHAHA. It's hilarious even now as I'm blogging.

I also overheard this couple spat. The guy was 'manja'-ing his girlfriend, going 'baby of coursssseeee I love you' in mandarin. which is 'baby wo zhennnnn de aiiii niii'. I practically collapsed and spasmed on the spot cos it was so mushy. And I realised when I'm in love, I'm probably like that with my SO (significant other). Crazy thing called love... HAHAHA.

And yep, some lucky draw thingie in the airport after I got into the transit area. I didn't win. D:

When I cleared the customs I didn't look back at my family at all. They called my handphone to tell me I'm heartless. HAHAHA. Oops. All the while I was just thinking to myself, 'Freedom!'

I got on the plane and someone was sitting in my seat. It was an Aussie kid so I didn't say anything and sat on his seat instead. His dad found out and was extremely nice about it. Anyway I did pass an ice cream stick to the Aussie kid and he looked so happy. Aww. Generally, the Qantas flight was pleasant and I had nice airplane food. Also had ginger beer (the brand of root beer we usually get from Marche in Singapore). The air crew on Qantas is really old though. Zero sex appeal hahaha. Well they give free ice cream to make up for that.

I reached Perth at around 5am and I met an old friend who sent me to another friend's house and helped me carry my luggage up the house. Anyway, a day later that friend sent me a message with rather hurtful content which really sucked some of my holiday spirit from myself. Ah well, whatever. Bottom line is, I never even asked for him to fetch me from the airport, he volunteered. And I got him a small present to thank him. I'm not ungrateful or anything. Whateverrrr.

Moving on.

Me, looking like death with minimal make-up and no sleep after a long flight.

Quaint steps leading to my friend's apartment.

Heating up her newly bought car named Stella. Cos it was winter and the weather was extremely cold so some time was needed for the engine to reach 'workable' temperature.

There was a meter in the car to show the engine's temperature and you can see it going from 'very cold' to 'cold' to the correct temperature. Haha.

This is my very sweet friend, HY, who drove me around Perth and let me stay at her apartment and sleep in her bed, all the way through the time I was in Perth. Thank you (:

Her car came equipped with Hello Kitty and pink power.

We drove to Fremantle for brunch with her housemates, Victor and Ginny. I got along quite well with them, yay. (:

Fremantle. I actually went there when I was age 10, in Primary 4. It was totally unfamiliar to me though, when I returned this year, age 23...

Quaint stalls with pretty things. I didn't buy anything cos they were pretty expensive and I was adhering to the 1k budget.

I do remember some homemade soaps, cute cards and a book named 'Apple Cider diet' on sale. I wanted to try that diet when I got back to Singapore but obviously, procrastination set in :P

The fruits were so fresh! *lazy to flip this picture sorry*


Doesn't this cheesecake look wonderful? The berries are love.

And guess what I ate for brunch? Ramen again. Hahaha. HY's recommendation. I thought that Ramen Champion in SG was on par so you guys should try that.

Oh oh I feel a little hungry now.

Ok off to bed, nights!

Thanks for reading (:

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