My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012



It's mid-week again! Time is flying by~

Recently work is hell.

You know how you feel when you are asked to perform duties out of your job scope, which is supposed to be someone else's responsibility, and everyone else seems to shun responsibility, blah blah.

Can't divulge much of course, but yes, I must say that I am a person whose work ethnic is to do my own job well. And I would like others to be this way too cos hello, people, you are being paid so you jolly well not slack off. Do your job. Well. Tie up your own loose strings. Mistakes are fine. Laziness is not.

Anyway, this week is going well!

1) Got recruited to be a volunteer to 'rehome' homeless animals


I've been waiting for so long to do something meaningful for the community.

I mean, I can't see myself going to Lion's home cos I don't really like elders (no offense), and I love animals soooo much that this is the perfect community service for me. One which may be sustainable. Kinda excited, and the person in charge is so nice to let me meet her on Sunday instead of Saturday, cos I have work on Saturdays (le sigh).

I really hope I can save some lives.

2) I'm in check with my weight again

It's very important to me cos I need to feel fit/ healthy to feel good about myself. MY BODY IS MY TEMPLE. I've been keeping up with my goals for the past months, so I hope that I have great news by December. (:

3) I'm going to Sentosa to sun-tan this Thursday

And play beach soccer. I miss the feeling of going somewhere anytime I want to. It's been rare, being stuck in the rut of working. Yay!

4) I'm going to USS this weekend, and staying overnight at RWS.


5) My heart still beats.

There's a potential. Taking things slow. I learnt a lesson from my previous relationship, which is to take my time to learn about the other person.

I was afraid I'd never love again after being cheated on, and hurt so badly. I was afraid I'd never feel the same way about anyone else again. But OMG, I think I can still feel. My heart is scarred but still beating.


Mad happy for myself cos I don't want anything, any event, or any history to bring me down.

I faced my fears and now I'm not that scared anymore.

And I really think after all the shit, I'm better, stronger, clearer about myself and what I may want in life.

This is my goal in life I think. No easy feat, but yes, beauty is not comparing yourself to anyone else, rather comparing what you are now, and making sure you are a better version now than before.


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