My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Saturday, June 16, 2012



Omg... I can't seem to kick my bad habit of being nocturnal... Hahahaha. Always awake till really late and I always feel the inspiration to blog at this kinda timing. Shit. This time the culprit is...

Jang Jang! A can of oolong tea.

Think I will just sleep for like 3-4 hours and wake up at 6am to run. Cos I had 2 slices of awesome but SINFUL chocolate cake this afternoon for my colleague's bday.

Show yall the cakes...

On the left... The typical Coco Exotica (something like that, can't exactly remember the name) from Fourleaves. If you have not tried it, you are not Singaporean. Haha.

And on the right... The famous 'atas' chocolate fudge cake from The Patissier! I swear chocolate lovers have to try this once in your lifetime. It's so good that I almost nose-bled after eating a small slice of it... ;)

My happy colleague. I suspect you'd not be able to guess her real age... She looks very young for her age. Hope it'd be that way for me too.

Group picture!

Thankful... Cos my workplace is full of lovely people who I can call friends more than colleagues :3

I won't forget all the goodies they give to me, the advice, the funny moments, and even random things out of goodwill. One even gave me a hot water bottle cos she knows I have menstrual cramps.

And random pictures from the net...

My eye candy. I've been watching the korean drama Rooftop Prince and it is really nice.

Another eye candy. This one's a french actor.... Hmmm I don't really see many Singaporean guys with facial hair. I think when most Singaporean guys have facial hair we just tend to think they look unkempt and dirty... Hehe. No offense.

After watching korean dramas, I'm kinda lusting after Samsung phones...

Samsung Galaxy Note.

Hey it comes in pink!

Yea but my iphone's still working well.

Kinda loving this gown. It's so clean and white and simple and elegant.

My taste is changing... Not just towards clothes but also everything else. For example, I really despise eating century egg (pi dan) now. I used to love it! Now I feel like puking when I taste it. *shivers*

Oh well anyway I've decided to go to AUSTRALIA alone. I've been there before actually. Went to Perth when I was in Primary 4. And then Melbourne, Gold Coast and Brisbane in 2008.

And now it's 2012.... Going to visit my friends in Perth and Melbourne.

The air tickets really burnt a hole in my pocket... I'll tell yall the cost... 1.2k.

Expensive huh. But I guess it'll be a good trip for me to soul-search and explore. And a whole new experience cos it'd be with friends. Luckily I saved on the lodging there cos I'm staying with friends.

And FYI.... To travel to Aussie you also need to apply for a Visa... Which costs AUD 20. Hidden cost.

Quite excited for this trip which I shall be embarking on my own. Am actually planning the itinerary for the trip myself now.

I have friends who actually quit their jobs without any other prospective job and stay in another country for like a month or 2... That's so awesome but I can't do that cos I know as much as I love to travel I'd feel uneasy not raking in a steady income. Then again, I'm thankful I'm not ridden by any form of financial burden and that I actually am able to do that. But nahhh. Not now at least. I love money too much heehee.

Some pictures of Perth.

I'm gonna take a picture like this! So awesome! Koala.... :3

And one of the best thing is that it's WINTER in Australia when I fly over. Yay I get to wrap myself up in warm clothes. So excited and happy (:

And one of my guy friends who I haven't seen in 5 years (OMG) actually offered to fetch me from the airport at 5am... Such a sweet gesture... I'm gonna make thank you mementos for all my Aussie friends (:

Oh yea over the span of the past 2 days I got 2 call-ups for interviews.... Fingers crossed...

I shall work hard for my future cos I learnt a very hard lesson in life...

Anyone can wake up and say they don't love you anymore. But your bank account won't do that...

Hahahaa that said, it doesn't mean I'm a critic of life and love. Just that I feel more secure knowing I can support myself, at least financially.

A recent picture of me in work clothes... Gotta love nude coloured blazers. My face is still round though. -_-

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