My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

October/ November 2010

hey people. i'm currently in the midst of my study break. and damnnnn it's gonna be over soon. it's thursday of the week again.

major sigh at how the good times fly by so quickly. and this sem is choked full of deadlines sigh. busy ttm -_-plus i have to be on the lookout for a good job so i have been spamming resumes -_-

woes of a girl who is growing up.

please date me out after may 5th! imma gonna go play!

on a side note... i just received a parcel today!

hahahaa i know you won't believe it. but pink isn't my favourite colour. it's a common misconception ;P

i recently signed up for a paypal account and that means i'm gonna shop online an awful lot ;P somebody please control me!

here is what was in the parcel.

Hair Extensions! 
 cool or not? i'm still not good at clipping it in but it's fun to try different hairstyles including uber long hair.

 and recently my mom bought american strawberries for me to munch on. it's delicious but costs 10bucks per punnett. so expensive *faints*

and here are the very laggy events which date back to october/ november 2010.

arcade with jq, qq and yl. played this game whr we drive a tank and bomb each other. hahaa. after that we went to sing kbox and got a japanese room at ehub!

the birth of my nephew... ian michael soo!

 23rd october marked his birth and also something else which means alot to me (:

my ah ma, my mom, my sis, and me! my mom told me my face is damn big in the pic. loll who cares :P

ian stayed over for one full month after his birth, at my house with us at bedok north. all i can remember is that he was noisy. hahahaha. :P and adorable too! i mean... look at these!


I seriously love the collage above!

he is the grumpiest baby i've ever seen. his eyes are always close together and he is always frowning.

me at home, sans makeup! look at how deep in sleep ian is!

a family potrait taken by yours truly. i'm not a bad photographer if i do say so myself :P

also celebrated my niece's bday!

hmmm. the mango cake was from rive gauche. one of the branches of this cake shop is located at tampines one. you guys can try it cos i thought it was pretty yummy!

the present we all chipped in to get little miki. a bike! it's pink. lol.

also celebrated weikai's bday at sentosa.
took a romantic pic with soh cos we went sentosa together and the ambience with all the blue lights were so romantic. hahaha rofl.

i think that was a pretty bad night for photos cos with the above collage as proof, we all look weird and VERY un-photogenic. :P

that's an unprepared CYC on the right, and a red Soh cos he helped me to drink beer. I was playing drinking games with Yuan xin, Minhan and Tingsheng and kept losing. Soh was so pissed off that he said "I'm not drinking anymore!". LOL but in the end I did win them several times.

sentosa's really pretty at night. oh and i got to know more ahs guys who attended the party as well. such as the scouts who i've never really talked to. 2010 is the year of social expansion cos of bday parties.

anyway yanling introduced all of us to this job as roadshow helpers in hope that we can all work together (yl, jq, juli and me)

sadly something screwed up and in the end only jq and i worked at that roadshow for lancome. -_- irritating. but nvm hopefully there'll be other chances? (((:

here's jq and i at our interviews! had to travel to city areas twice. was quite troublesome.

this was during the first interview.

can u see which mrt station we were at? p.s. not bugis. after the interview we went to meet CYC at bugis to shop for Weikai's bday present and I had a tummyache and runs. How embarrassing -_-

this was during the second interview!

we went to the handburger to eat and i love it! :D

and then after the roadshow started i had to go to kangli's party at fort canning directly after work. was in all white because of the job's attire. kinda strange...

shuning and i are the black and white! (hei bai pei)

group pic!

on the second day of work i decided to try out the eye enlarging lenses i'd spreed for with jen...

behold the effect...

is it nice? i personally think it is but some feel it's scary. hahahaa.

anyway i can't wear such lenses cos my eyes are very sensitive. =( sad. i like the effect though.

some pictures from the roadshow:

they did our hair for us!

pretty jq who had a makeover on her face by the MUA (:

and some randoms.

can't resist old school food (: it's the taste that brings back memories.

this was when i was off to study somewhere. i wonder if the person involved remembers?


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