My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Thursday, December 23, 2010


Just a note to friends reading this.
Starhub always blocks Facebook and Hotmail and I can't access these websites properly. Can only access them intermittently so if there are any outings or whatever contact me through my handphone. 
My handphone's also a little bonkers cos when people send me many messages at one go or long messages the handphone has insufficient space and blocks all entry of all messages. So sometimes I can't receive any messages at all until I clear my inbox.
Zzz I need an Iphone! P.s. call my handphone if I don't reply messages and it's something urgent.


Dated back to September 2010. Some time back. LAGGYXX TTM.

ZQ's Bday Celebration.

Wore my maxi tube dress that day. Was treating ZQ to a buffet dinner at Resortworld Sentosa that day. Got to know of the restaurant cos I've been there once for Sherm's 21st birthday celebration!
P.S. that's my room and my cat who just sleeps all day long (like me). Hahaaa.

Went to walk around Vivo cos we reached Habourfront early and saw this cool big version of my camera so we took a shot. Anyway I recall that there was this mooncake roadshow on that day outside Tangs Vivo and we were hungry but were too shy to take mooncake samples to try. Lol.

Anyway we took the bus to RWS and then walked around there since it was ZQ's first time there. He wanted to take touristy pics with the Universal Studios globe so tadah~!



Took a picture of Universal Studios from outside. I haven't had the chance to go yet but it looks quite awesome! Heard the mummy tomb ride is nice. Waiting for the big rollercoaster to be open so that it'll be more worthwhile to enter the theme park. 
Meanwhile, I shall use the time to build my guts up cos as I grow older, I'm getting more afraid of G force and roller coasters. 

P.S. ZQ and I stood outside Universal Studios and the music they played  gave us an adrenaline rush. On the day itself there were many groups of youths going into the theme park and I realise I really miss secondary and JC days. :(

The reason why I would go back to this buffet restaurant is cos of the naan. I really like it. It's the best naan I've ever tasted. Then again, naan is relatively difficult to find in SG I think.

ZQ decided to try oysters for the first time to make the buffet more worthwhile. It was probably also his last time. Hahaa. I personally never tried oysters, and never will in the future. Not my kinda thing.

Vegetables! Obviously mine. Hehe I need my greens :D

His Birthday 'cake'.

Onslaught of the must-have birthday pictures.

Ended our meal and we were uber full. ZQ couldn't stand straight cos he was too full. Took a picture of his posture but ok I shall not post this here and spoil his reputation.

No more buffets for me, that's one of my resolutions for 2011. Hahaa.

Some pictures of Hard Rock Hotel at night. So nice. Imma gonna book a suite there one day after I start working and I have more munny!

We continued to walk around RWS at night to digest and took some pictures at various shops.

I managed to snap a picture of ZQ before the sales assistant ran to me and said 'No pictures allowed'. Too badddd :P

Got a free RWS lantern that night cos it was nearing Mid Autumn festival.


Hope u had a good bday celebration! Happy 21st to LZQ~!

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