My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Wanted to update this dusty space with some photographs of what I've been doing.

Not that my life's very interesting, but I like to use my blog as a space to write down what's been going on in my life and my thoughts at a particular moment in my life. So that when I look back and read my past entries, I can remember stuff which might have long been lost in time and the cracks of my memory.

A lot of people who know me have commented that I love to take photographs. In fact, many of them run away once I whip out my camera, in fear that I might capture their 'unglam' moments. :P Well, I admit I always take candid shots. But to me, these 'unglam' photographs capture the essence of the moment. I'd love to take up professional photography, but that will have to wait till I get a DSLR cos I can't afford one now. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that photographs are beautiful mementos of fragments of time.

But I haven't been blogging recently so too many things have accumulated now. I'm too lazy to select the events to blog about, so I shall procrastinate.

Shall blog about my book and movie conquests instead! :D

But before I start I just wanted to share:

1) It's amazing how people who left your life earlier on at some time in point come back into your lives again. It's awesome. :)

2) Some people leave your life for good, sometimes because death calls. But when they're no longer in this world, they live forever, in your heart.

March 15 has just passed, and it's hard to believe my father has passed on for two years now. May God bless him, wherever he is, that's my prayer for him.

And so, I've finished the whole Percy Jackson series. 5 books in 3 days, with school and all!
I'm really obsessed when I start doing stuff I like. Don't get me a Playstation. I'll probably forget everything else. Anyway, I really like Greek mythology! It's intriguing. But Greek mythology is quite sinful, there's alot of sleeping around, jealousy and curses and stuff. It's really like Gossip Girl in an ancient way.

I also finished Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol in 2 days. As usual, his books are full of suspense and gave me an adrenaline rush, and the twistS in the story ares really nice! I only suspected one of the twist nearing it's revelation. However, as of his other books, there is quite a bit of gore and physical torture and deaths. And there are alot of terms inside which got me quite confused. I can't say I understand the plot fully yet. Got to read the book all over again to be able to grasp more of Brown's 'chim-inology'.

As for movies, I watched The Lovely Bones.

It's very nice, a very refreshing movie, about a girl who was murdered by a serial murderer.


The murderer is so disgusting! No spoilers, but watch it! I think it's very worth it. But it's quite disturbing cos the murderer is really SICK in the mind. The actor acted really well. I'm really glad I was well taken care of and didn't encounter anyone like that. Couldn't sleep well on the night I watched it cos' it was so disturbing. Haha.

I also watched Nine. It's quite a sexual movie. A little like Moulin Rouge. But in my opinion, Moulin Rouge has nicer music. I like the costumes in Nine alot though. And I loved Fergie's dance in the movie, with sand and tambourines.

And Nicole Kidman is so beautiful! Wow! She's one of the few women in the world I would really describe as beautiful. To me, there's a clear margin that distinguishes between being beautiful and pretty.

Love her dress and her height and her skin. Wow.

Last but not least, I watched Alice in Wonderland.

It was not bad. As expected, Johnny Depp took up an eccentric role as the Mad Hatter. At first I thought the movie would be quite disturbing, cos of the make-up and all. But it was quite amusing and light-hearted.

My 3 favourites from the movie:

Chesire Cat. What did you expect? I'm a major cat lover.

Mad-Hatter. Very lovable!

The Red Queen.

I actually feel sad for her sorry life although she deserved it for being so hateful. But then again, I also feel sorry for characters like Medusa, although she's disgusting with snakes for hair and turn people into stone, and my favourite character in Harry Potter is Snape cos he's so misunderstood.

The way the actress acted out the role of the Red Queen was really good and very funny. Haha! Her shrill voice and choice of words... Funny and really cute!

Ok the end gotta go. Take care all! :)

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