My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

don't get it twisted

Hello everybody :D
Haven't blogged in quite a while. I was holding back blogging so that I can announce that...
Yippee. Quite happy cos' I'm not naturally good at driving. And this is my first try! YAY.

I think I'm very lucky. Because by March 2010, the driving test will require parking without poles. Actually, when I was booking my test date, the bookings had already gone into March. But the driving centre suddenly opened up slots for CNY eve, and I managed to book one of these slots!

CNY eve is supposed to be one of the best days to have your driving test cos' the examiners are in a good mood and they don't wanna be cursed on CNY so they will definitely pass you if there are no major mistakes. Moreover, the traffic in Ubi roads will be light on CNY eve cos' everyone either has no work or have gone home.

When I was having my test, it was really like a ghost town on the roads! There were probably only about 5 cars on the road when I was driving. And the examiner didn't even ask me to do U-turn. I'm so happy I passed! There were people who failed though. Saw one who mounted curb during parallel parking and another who rolled down the slope. Both were beside me. Feel quite sad for them. :(

Now I need to buy 2 things:

1) Aviators! Prob getting Ray Ban. So I can look cool when I get to drive my sister's Honda Integral :X

2) GPS system. Cos' though I was a Girl Guide I'm not too good at reading the street directory or recognising roads. Thank goodness for satellites and technology haha :P

Oh yea, I recently purchased these cool huge pink and bimbotic headphones!

And I really love my current camera. No regrets spending half a thousand on it. I can take pictures with different effects! Take for example the pictures below.




The different effects are nice huh? Don't have to use Photoscape to edit pictures anymore. Btw, I think I look very different when I make the effort to put on cosmetics.

School's pretty good this semster. Labs are fun. But I have 3 tests when school re-opens. I hate it that NUS put CNY into our one-week study break! DAMN.

Bought the beauty masks from NUS at $2.50 each. Sasa sells them at $8 each. Madness! Blood-suckers!

This was taken on a day when ZQ drove me to school! Blessed. :D

Look at the beef on the left! It's contaminated with some nail-polish look-alike luminscent unknown chemical. It's not oil. Gross, huh? Anyway, Philip was very assertive on that day and demanded to speak to the manager of Lerk Thai NUS. It was on that day when I discovered that he was really quite manly. Lol!

Eating with Huimin at Coffeegrounds, this cafe at Medicine. She loaned me her Ecology textbook, thanks! (:
Huimin is a super smart girl who's minoring in Forensic Science. Her CAP is really good. Pro!

Singing with the uni gang. It was hilarious!

Was invited by Valerie to a Crusade event. We made clay angels! Way cute! Guess which is Val's, En's and mine?
(Clue: Mine has wings)

2J outing. (Subset of 2J turned up.)

I also attended a fair share of birthday celebrations!

Fannie's Birthday at Downtown East Costa Sands.
Met up with my phsiotherapy friends who I haven't seen for 2 years. ZOMG. Time seriously flies.

My Ah-gong's (grandfather) 87th birthday!
We had 'sou tau', peach buns in Chinese, to wish him longevity. (:

I bought the cake from the famouse chocolate cake shop 'Choc-a-bloc' from under my house. It was 2kg and freaking heavy and I remember I reached home with the cake panting. LOL! Time to do cardio!

Shopping with Shermaine for Shihui's present.

Sherms drove!

Our present for Shihui: A twinkling star necklace.

The condominium was gorgeous! It was Roman themed!

Group pictures at the beautiful big fountain and at the stairway.

I love these group shots!

Happy birthday to everyone who had their birthdays! You guys are older and wiser, and always cherish every coming moment of your lives!

Also helped Weikai to paint his room. The drawings on his walls are the 'before' shots. And yes, he was wearing his yellow spongebob boxers, LOL! Now I know what to get him for his birthday :D

Happy New Year everyone!

My baby niece can make funny faces and camwhore with me already! It's really cool how quickly kids grow and learn things. :)

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