My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

cos u're everywhere to me ;)

whoops. blog is full of emo-elmo stuffs again. shall update with lotsa pictures to make my blog more cheerful now, while i'm not feeling lazy.

i went to photoscape pictures since i've lots of free time these days!i'm currently in a state of unemployment. no $$$ :(am thinking of doing an internship or start teaching tuition but kinda scared that it may cost my grades to drop when school starts.

and i need to start reading the book for FTT.everyone says it's darn easy but i always feel like sleeping when i open the book... RARHH.

ok here's some of what i've been doing for the past few weeks...

with my uni gal pals (:How long have i not been to ubin? The last time i was there was when i was in girl guides i think... hahaaa waaaayyy long ago.

i was told the bumboat ride was gonna be bumpy, but it wasn't... it was pretty stable instead.we decided to cycle to chek jawa and the cycling path there was unexpectedly tedious. or maybe it's cos the ubin bikes we rented were kinda in bad shape.

couldn't cycle uphill most of the time and had to get off the bike and push it up the hill... how NOOB.
the picture of the tree is super nice right? :D
looks like the tree from the movie from eons ago, 'BIG FISH'.

the tedious ride was worth it cos chek jawa was beautiful! it was very warm and sweaty and all but u really do feel back to nature there.
could even hear the sounds the organisms living there were making. (:
and the sea and the sky were so pretty hohoho.

anyway, the uncle we rented the bikes from gave us only ONE measly bicycle chain to lock up all FOUR of our bikes. we had such a hard time trying to lock up the bikes but we did it anyway. woohoo we rock. hahahaa.
we went to this museum which was actually a cottage that some historical figure ( not Sir Stamford Raffles) built and stayed in.
there was a real working fireplace in there! super pretty, though it puzzles me.
why would anyone need to use a fireplace in somewhere as warm as tropical ubin? :/

2 pictures of the museum... (courtesy of chen en's camera)
the fireplace
anyway, we only managed to cycle to 1 quarry cos everyone was feeling tired and hungry.
the water in the quarry was something like turquoise and very pretty. why is the water turquoise? is it cos of some chemical in the water, or cos of scattering of light rays of different wavelengths in different pathways? (???)

overall, it was an awesome cycling trip and the food we tried at changi village was DA-YUMS :D
tiring but fulfilling trip quick get-away.
baby-sat my niece for quite abit this hols. she's real cute and looks like a japanese doll, don't you think? hahaaa. she's growing up real fast, and knows how to pose for the camera and whine.
anyway, i know how to stick on fake eyelashes already! yay.
sis treated me to tea at this high-class place. sadly i don't rmb the name anymore.
but the food was yummilicious! especially the cakes.
i love pastry hahahaa. which makes me fat boohoohoo. bah, who cares.
2 of my fave pictures! my niece is pretty in pink!
really like these pics :DD
QQ's bday!
he rented a car to drive us around, feel kinda bad cos he's the bday boy afterall.
ok i REALLY need to learn how to drive.

we went to have the crystal jade free flow xiao long bao meal :D
xiao long baos? YUMS! but i felt that din tai fung's baos were nicer.

the meal comprised of steamboat. they chose the half non-spicy and half spicy 'ma-la' soup base.

jq and i stuck to the non-spicy one while the other 3 had the spicy one.
which explains why kianhwee was sweating buckets.
LOL @ his face!
u can see the bigger sized picture of him sweating in FB. damn funny luh :D
surprised QQ with a bday cake.
sorry YL, cos i was so clueless and blur :<
anyway, the cake came with 2 cupcakes which were adorable but looked kind of inedible :O

HATES my hair in pictures cos i just cut it and the person cut my fringe too short. GRUMBLE.

QQ drove us up to the romantic Mt Faber to look around. I still prefer the Esplanade as a romantic spot more! hahaa.

we went to KH's house for the whole night to play bridge. got home only at like 8plus the next morning. was so tired... zzzzz

thanks QQ for driving us home!!!

pictures of the 3 girls when we went to buy QQ's bday present.
MOGU-MOGU at far east sucks. 1st time eating it, but will not go there anymore.

yesterday, before meeting some ppl from 4b for dinner, jq and i went to find zq who was in some teletubby suit for the ndp thingie.

that's his gun we're posing against. hahahaa.

and i just bought this dress online! it's nice but kinda vintage/retro.

wonder when i can wear it out! =DDD


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