My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

wake me up when september ends

whoaa. end of the 1 week mid term break.
damnn it, it flew by soooo quickly! >.<

have so many tings to blog about.
so many events n stuffs but no time to really get down to doing it.

boyyyy i tink the best time of my life was after a lvls and before uni started.
was basically having fun meeting up with frens and slacking and doing odd jobs so i had no lack of cash. which was well, relatively pure stressful fun!!!
speaking of which, i miss miss every1! !
had met up with quite a few ppl recently but also missed out some.
such as Mag, Serene( from Singtel who changed her name again hahaa ;P ) etc.
Shall meet soon ppl, but not so soon either.. :(

Because October is hell of a month.
Choked full of tests and assignments and lab reports ALMOST EVERY WEEK.
yes i will be a zombie.

Good things are that:
-School sem will end in approx 2 months. COUNTING DOWN COUNTING DOWN already.
-Labwork is coming to a wind down. LSM1101 Lab ends this Fri! Whoopee doo! Have u ever met a Life Science student who doesn't really like lab? I'm one of the many ( or few?? ) I suppose. Cos lab always ends real late. haha.
- NO SCHOOL THIS WED. Hurray for Hari Raya!

And bad things that have occurred or will occur:
- the econs test today SUCKED big time. It's damn hard can. I'm never going near Econs. NUS FASS Econs is tough like whooo. I hope Lady Luck will shine on me and let me pass.
- Unable to go malaysia this weekend with my sister cos I must study! Damn, I hate being a mugger.
- Test on Friday which I have yet to touch on. 4 big topics again. To top it off, the professor in charge of this particular module is very cheeky.

Oh wells.
Wake me up when September ends.
because it is time to grind my teeth and move forward.
*wraps cloth around my forehead*


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